The Writing Addict
2 min readMay 24, 2021


What's something that fascinates us more than Star Wars? Technology perhaps? Now let’s move somewhere in the future. What can you imagine? Some spaceships? Maybe humanoids? Flying cars? Let your imagination run wild and I'm sure you are already ready to make a sci-fi novel!

“The times,” they say, “are changing.” Image from

Technology is something that has always intrigued people, and I’m no exception! No wonder how books like The Hunger Games by Suzzane Collins, The Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth, and many more brilliant dystopia novels, with a sprinkle of technology have hooked so many of us.

If something, in recent years has developed at a high rate, it can be nothing other than technology. Now let's get on the rocket of imagination and set off to some futuristic desired reality.

IMAGINE… It is the year 2050 (Uh- I just hope the pandemic is over) Your smartphone is even more wonderous than simply being foldable, water-resistant, and some four or five cameras. The clothes you wear are simply just an idea in the present- smart clothing with nanoporous fabrics, miniature electronics for simple works, maybe it changes its shape, color, and temperature to your needs! (I’m saving my money from right on!) Every house has a 3D printer where one can print anything, and I bet if that happens, my house will be full of prints:)

There are, maybe, solar panels for almost every electronic, and for once it might be tight on the pocket but the coming time would be ethereal! Fuels with such towering prices might get replaced with hydrogen fuels; batteries breathing carbon dioxide, and half of our global warming problems are already solved!

And what you think? Will, there be underwater cities or maybe a beautiful colony on the Moon? And perhaps we might tour in the space? And our journey doesn’t stop here. The ideas for the future are, well, unpredictable but they are surely going to bloom hopes for better living.

A simple conclusion from my side: Thinking and planning the future is both fun and notoriously difficult. Maybe things we are planning to see in the future would still not be invented, while others might be a modification of our thoughts!

Technology is not just a tool. It can give learners a voice that they may not have before.

